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FSC ® Certification

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FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council®

We are a certified supplier of FSC® certified printed matter, to view our certificate click here.  Our job is to follow stringent FSC® guidelines to maintain the chain of custody of FSC® certified material.


At a glance, benefits of using an FSC® certified printer

  1. You can buy wood products, from all types of forest, with a clear conscience when you see the FSC® logo. FSC® certified forests are managed with consideration for people, wildlife and the environment.
  2. The FSC® label guarantees that the trees that are harvested are replaced or allowed to regenerate naturally.
  3. Parts of the forest are protected entirely, in order to protect rare animals and plants.
  4. FSC® protects the rights of indigenous people to use the forest. If they have sacred sites in the forest these are exempt from felling.
  5. The forest owner must use local workers to run the forest, and provide training, safety equipment and a decent salary. The forest owner is often obliged to support the community in other ways, such as through the development of schools.
  6. FSC® is a market-based initiative which also ensures better conditions for the forest and the people whose livelihoods depend on it
  7. FSC® gives an assurance that future generations will be able to enjoy the benefits of the forest.
  8. All the wood is tracked from the forest to the store. Every link between the forest and the consumer is certified to make it clearly identifiable which wood is FSC® certified and which is not.
  9. FSC® is the only wood certification scheme endorsed by the major environmental charities, including WWF, Greenpeace and The Woodland Trust
  10. The FSC® label is not only available on wood for furniture. It can also be found on floors, decking, paper, printed matter, charcoal, kitchen utensils, even venison

In more detail

FSC® is an international, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC® UK is legally and financially independent of FSC® international. It sets forest management standards for the UK, promotes the system and provides an information service. It was founded in 1993 in response

to public concern about deforestation and demand for a trustworthy wood-labelling scheme. There are national working groups more than 50 countries including the UK. FSC® UK is a registered charity. It is supported by NGOs including WWF, Greenpeace and the Woodland Trust.

Every year an area half the size of the UK is cleared of natural forests: temperate and tropical, North and South and on every continent. These forests, which once covered half of the planet, are irreplaceable and their loss has profound economic, social and environmental impacts. Sixty million indigenous people and countless species of plants and animals are wholly dependent on forests to live and forests support up to 1.6 billion of the poorest people in the world.

The products of this illegal trade can be found throughout the UK, from building sites to private homes. We think this is unacceptable and we exist to make sure people can buy timber and wood products with the confidence that they are contributing towards safeguarding the world’s forests.

The FSC® runs a global forest certification system with two key components: Forest Management and Chain of Custody certification. This system allows consumers to identify, purchase and use timber and forest products produced from well-managed forests.

The FSC® logo

The Forest Stewardship Council’s® “tick tree” logo is used on product labels to indicate whether products are certified under the FSC® system. When you see the FSC® logo on a label you can buy timber and other wood products, such as paper, with the confidence that you are not contributing to the destruction of the world’s forests.

For more detailed information please visit
